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    Frequently asked questions

    What is cryptocurrency?

    The first and obvious addition among cryptocurrency FAQs would turn the emphasis towards definition of cryptocurrencies. Cryptocurrency is basically a digital form of currency with the support of cryptographic security for conducting trusted transactions. The underlying technology which runs cryptocurrencies is blockchain, and it offers a ledger for documenting all transactions.

    What are public and private keys?

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    How do cryptocurrencies work?

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    Who controls cryptocurrencies?

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    Is it reasonable to invest in cryptocurrencies?

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    Other Questions

    General questions
    How can I buy cryptocurrencies?

    Another common entry among common cryptocurrency questions and answers would point out methods for buying cryptocurrencies. Beginners who want to learn about cryptocurrencies are also likely to express interest in owning and trading cryptocurrency. Interestingly, you could purchase some cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin directly with fiat currency like US dollars. On the other hand, you might also find some cryptocurrencies which you have to purchase with Bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.

    How can I start investing in cryptocurrencies?

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