Description and Screenshot

Step 1

Fixing functions.php error

To fix the functions.php error, I recommend deleting the Xtra WordPress theme and reinstalling it. If the error persists after doing this, please submit a support ticket to us.

Some common reasons for this error include:

  • Incorrect Coding: If you recently made changes to the functions.php file, a small mistake in the code might be causing the error.
  • Plugin Conflicts: Some plugins may be incompatible with the Extra theme, leading to errors in the functions.php file.
  • Incomplete or Failed Update: Sometimes, an update to the theme or plugins may not complete successfully, which can cause issues with the theme files.
  • Insufficient PHP Memory: If your server has low PHP memory, this could lead to errors when loading the theme.
  • Theme Conflicts: If you have multiple themes installed or activated, they might be conflicting with each other, causing this error.

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