Description and Steps

Step 1

Demo importer fails!

If the import stalls and fails to respond after a few minutes, or it fails with a simple error message like “Import failed,” You are suffering from PHP configuration limits that are set too low to complete the process. You should contact your web host and ask them to increase those limits to a minimum as follows:

  • max_execution_time 900
  • memory_limit 128M
  • post_max_size 32M
  • upload_max_filesize 32M

You can verify your PHP configuration limits by installing a simple plugin found here. And you can also check your PHP error logs to see the exact error being returned.

If still have same problem, Submit a ticket.


  • Hello,

    I purchased yoru theme today and tried 5 times but I get “Error, Through FTP delete plugins > “codevz-plus” folder & increase PHP max_execution_time to 300 then try again.” error. Please help me to install my theme.

    • Hi,
      Please make sure you are using latest version of theme and codevz plus plugin, Then activate your theme with a valid license key then try to import demo.

  • what is solution for this it happened when i import a demo
    Error: File rtl-elementor// does not exists …

  • i have everything green on the system status page but when i import i keep getting gateway timeout again and again

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