
Step 1

Moving your website to a new domain

Moving a WordPress site to a new domain is a bit more involved than a static site because of the database and WordPress configuration. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you migrate your WordPress site to a new domain smoothly:

1. Prepare the New Domain and Hosting

  • Purchase the new domain and ensure your hosting is set up.
  • Make sure the new domain is fully configured (DNS settings, email, and SSL certificates).
  • If you’re staying on the same hosting account, you might just need to add the new domain as an add-on domain or a new site.

2. Backup Your Current WordPress Site

  • Backup all WordPress files: Use an FTP client (like FileZilla) to download all your WordPress files.
  • Backup the WordPress database: Go to your hosting control panel (e.g., cPanel) and use phpMyAdmin to export your database.
  • Alternatively, use a WordPress plugin like UpdraftPlus or Duplicator to back up the entire site, including the database and files.

3. Move Files to the New Domain

  • Upload WordPress files to the new domain’s hosting account using FTP or your host’s file manager.
  • If you’re using a plugin like Duplicator, simply follow its restoration process to move the files.

4. Create a New Database on the New Domain

  • In the hosting control panel for the new domain, create a new MySQL database.
  • Import the database backup you exported earlier (via phpMyAdmin) into the new database.

5. Update the wp-config.php File

  • In the wp-config.php file on your new domain, update the database details to match the new domain’s database. Change the following lines to reflect the new database name, username, and password:

6. Search and Replace Old Domain in the Database

WordPress stores the old domain in the database, so you need to replace it with the new domain.

Use a plugin like Better Search Replace or a tool like WP-CLI to search for instances of the old domain in the database and replace them with the new domain.

For Better Search Replace, after installing it:

  • Go to Tools > Better Search Replace.
  • In “Search for,” enter your old domain (e.g.,
  • In “Replace with,” enter the new domain (e.g.,
  • Select all tables and run the search and replace.

7. Set Up 301 Redirects on the Old Domain

  • Redirect all traffic from the old domain to the new domain using 301 redirects to maintain SEO rankings.
  • If you still control the old domain, modify the .htaccess file to add the following redirect rule:


You can also use a plugin like Redirection to manage redirects from the old URLs to the new ones.

8. Update WordPress and Site URL Settings

  • Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard on the new domain.
  • Go to Settings > General and make sure the “WordPress Address (URL)” and “Site Address (URL)” fields are updated with the new domain URL.

9. Update Permalinks

  • After logging into your new site, go to Settings > Permalinks and click “Save Changes” to ensure the URL structure is correct and that links are updated properly.

10. Notify Google Search Console

  • Add the new domain to Google Search Console.
  • Use the Change of Address tool to inform Google about the domain move.
  • Submit your new sitemap (you can generate one using a plugin like Yoast SEO or All in One SEO Pack).

11. Update Internal Links and Media Files

  • While the search and replace should have updated most links, some plugins or widgets might still contain hardcoded links to the old domain.
  • Use a plugin like Velvet Blues Update URLs or Go Live Update URLS to ensure all internal links and images point to the new domain.

12. Test the New Site

  • Thoroughly test the new domain to ensure all links, media, and functionalities are working properly.
  • Check for broken links, missing images, and any other errors.

13. Monitor Traffic and SEO

  • Track your traffic using Google Analytics and Google Search Console.
  • It’s normal to see a temporary drop in traffic after the move, but it should stabilize once search engines re-index the new domain.

14. Update Social Media and External Links

  • Update your social media profiles, email signatures, and any online listings with the new domain name.
  • If possible, reach out to websites that link to your old domain and ask them to update their links to the new domain.

Additional Tips

  • Keep the old domain for a while and keep the 301 redirects active for at least 6-12 months to ensure the transition goes smoothly for users and search engines.
  • Communicate with your audience about the domain change to avoid confusion, especially if you have regular visitors or a customer base.

By following these steps, you can successfully move your WordPress site to a new domain while minimizing downtime, SEO impact, and user disruption.

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