Navigation Menu

Step 1

Go to Theme Options

If you move the mouse cursor over the menu you can see the gear icon will appear left top of menu, you can click on it and directly navigate to this element settings in the header.

Menu color 1

You can see the settings of Menu element below:

Menu color 2

Scroll down the left panel to find the Menu Styling section.

Click on Menu Stylekit to open the modal styling box, you can find all styling you need inside the Stylekit.

Menu color 3

For changing the menu’s Hover color & styles click on hover on top of Stylekit modal.

Menu color 4

Menu Shape

For changing the menu shape styles and effects, click on Shape Stylekit on the left panel to open the Stylekit modal.

Menu shape

Drop Down Menu

For changing the menu Drop down styles and colors, you can use Dropdown Stylekit for whole dropdown and Inner Menus Stylekit for each menu items.

Menu drop down

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