Description and Screenshot

Step 1

Create custom template for Header and Footer using Elementor

With the help of saved templates in Elementor, you can create a customized header or footer and adjust the Theme Options to be displayed on the site.

  1. Go to Dashboard > Templates > Saved Templates
  2. Add New Template
  3. Choose Template Type on Section then Write a name for this
  4. Design section with help of Xtra Theme Elements and save it
  5. Go to Theme Options > Header > Custom Header Template > Select header > Choose that section that desigened before.


For Header path is : Theme Options > Header > Custom Header Template > Select a page or saved templated.

For Footer path is : Theme Options > Footer > Custom Footer Template > Select a page or saved templated.


You may want to know …

  • The way to choose a customized template for the footer is shown in the image below.
  • You can also design a customized saved templated Header/Footer separate from the desktop for tablets and mobiles and select it from the Theme Options > Header/Footer > Custom Header/Footer Template > Tablet & mobile.
    So that a header is displayed separately from the desktop on tablets and mobiles.

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