Installation Requirements

Step 1


To use XTRA theme you must have WordPress engine installed. We assume you have a working version of WordPress already up and running. We also encourage you to actively use the links below. These useful resources cover most of general WordPress questions you may have:

  1. What is WordPress? Wikipedia, and WordPress FAQ Read here!
  2. Tutorial of how to Install WordPress? Watch Video
  3. WordPress Lessons Visit Articles

Server requirements

According to WordPress official web site, To run WordPress they recommended your host supports:

  1. PHP version 7 or greater
  2. MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.0 or greater
  3. The mod_rewrite Apache module
  4. PHP memory limit 128M and max_execution_time 30

Video tutorial installing XTRA theme

Themeforest buyers read this part

Step 1

Login to your themeforest account and download theme

  1. Go to your themeforest account
  2. From menu click on Downloads
  3. Find your purchased item XTRA
  4. Click on Download button
  5. Click on Installable WordPress file only
Download installable wp file

Login to your website and Install theme

  1. Go to your website Dashboard > Appearance > Themes
  2. Click on Add New Theme

Upload theme ZIP file

  1. Click on Upload Theme button
  2. Choose ZIP file
  3. Click on Install Now button
  4. Wait until WordPress installing theme

Activate installed theme

  1. Click on Activate link
  2. Wait until WordPress redirect you to Welcome Page

Theme license activation

  1. Go to your themeforest account
  2. From menu click on Downloads
  3. Find your purchased item XTRA
  4. Click on Download button
  5. Click on License certificate & Purchase code
Find themeforest item purchase code
  • Open text file and copy purchase code
Themeforest theme item id
  • Login to your site and go to XTRA menu and activate your theme with license code
License activation

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