Description and Screenshot

Step 1

Enable Badge For Menu Item

Menu badg

A menu badge is a small, attention-grabbing indicator often placed next to a menu item in a website or application. It usually contains a short piece of information, such as a number or a word, that provides additional context about that menu item. Here’s why menu badges are widely used and the benefits they offer:

  1. Highlighting Important Information
  2.  Enhancing User Experience
  3.  Visual Appeal
  4.  Real-Time Updates
  5.  Improved Navigation

The steps for activating the menu badge in Xtra WordPress Theme are fully explained below:

  1. Go to Dashboard > Appearance > Menus > Choose Your Menu > Choose an Item of Menu
  2. Turn on Advanced button
  3. Write text in Badge field
  4. Style the badge with the help of StyleKit and then click save menu


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