Post Format Settings

Step 1

Settings Overview

In XTRA WordPress theme you can change post format for any posts, There are Gallery, Audio, Video, Slider, Quote and Standard post formats. Each post formats have separate options.

  1. Standard
  2. Gallery
  3. Video
  4. Audio
  5. Quote
Post formats


Standard is the default post format in WordPress. It can be an article, a blog post, or anything the user want it to be. A standard post can also be any of the other post formats as well. For example, a standard post can have a gallery or a video. The user can decide whether they want to use their theme’s built in support for the formatting and display of a particular post format or they would rather use the standard post format.


Gallery and Carousel slider

An image gallery in WordPress can be inserted using the Add Media button and then clicking on “Create Gallery” tab. Gallery feature allows you to add multiple images in a WordPress post, gallery post format have following options:

  1. Gallery type
  2. Upload gallery images
  3. Gallery layout type
  4. Gallery gap
Gallery post format

Video format

A post in video post format usually contains a video either embedded from a third party video hosting service like YouTube or uploaded and played directly from WordPress. Since WordPress version 3.6 there is support for native video upload and playback.

  1. Post format type
  2. Video type
  3. Video URL or upload video file
Post format video

Music player format

A post with the audio post type usually contains an audio file embeded from a third party hosting service or uploaded directly through WordPress media uploader.

  1. Post format type
  2. Audio URL or upload audio file
Audio post format

Quote format

Quote is one of the post formats supported by WordPress. It is used for quotations, specially when a user wants to just share a quote which is not within a standard post or article. A user may decide to add or to wrap a quote around blockquote HTML tag.

  1. Post format type
  2. Quote content
  3. Cite name
Post format quote

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