
Step 1

Importing a new demo into a site that already has existing content

No, the demo content will not replace your existing pages and content. It will be added alongside your current content, so nothing will be lost. However, if there is a page in the demo with the same slug as one of your existing pages, the new page may be replaced or might not import at all due to the duplicate slug. You may need to adjust the settings to ensure the demo content doesn’t interfere with your existing setup.

For example: if your existing “About Us” page has the slug “about-us,” and the new demo also has an “About Us” page with the exact same slug, the new content may replace the old one, or it might not import at all.


An important point to note…

  • If the previous content is from a demo of the same theme, and you have already imported one of the theme’s demos, importing another demo from the same theme may cause display conflicts. In this case, you should first clean up the previous demo before importing the new one. However, if the content is not related to the theme demo, there will be no need for a cleanup.

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