
Step 1

Fix a Critical Error Message in WordPress

A “Critical Error” message in WordPress indicates that something is wrong with your website, causing it to crash. This can be due to various issues, such as plugin conflicts, theme problems, PHP errors, or database issues. Here’s a guide to help you troubleshoot and fix the critical error.

Common Causes of a Critical Error

  • WordPress Plugin Conflicts: Sometimes, a plugin may not be compatible with your WordPress version, or two plugins may conflict with each other.
  • WordPress Theme Issues: A newly installed or updated theme may have bugs or compatibility issues.
  • Server PHP Memory Limit: If your website exceeds the allocated memory limit for PHP, it can lead to a critical error.
  • Corrupted WordPress Files: Updates or file modifications can sometimes corrupt core files.
  • WordPress Database Errors: Database connection issues or corrupted database tables can also trigger critical errors.
  • WordPress Incorrect File Permissions: Incorrect permissions for WordPress files and directories can cause failures.

Steps to Fix a Critical Error in WordPress

1. Enable Debugging Mode

WordPress has a built-in debugging feature that allows you to see detailed error messages.

  • Add the following line to your wp-config.php file to enable debugging:
    define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
    define( 'WP_DEBUG_DISPLAY', false );
    Once enabled, WordPress will log errors to a file located at /wp-content/debug.log. You can check this file for more specific information about the error.

2. Disable All Plugins

Since WordPress plugin conflicts are one of the most common causes of critical errors, disabling all plugins can help.

  • Access your website via FTP or your hosting control panel (cPanel).
  • Navigate to /wp-content/ and rename the plugins folder to something like plugins-disabled.
  • This will automatically disable all plugins.
  • Check if the critical error is resolved. If the error disappears, it means one of the plugins is causing the issue.
  • Rename the folder back to plugins and reactivate each plugin one by one through your WordPress dashboard to identify the problematic plugin.

3. Switch to a Default Theme

Sometimes, a theme may cause a critical error, especially if it’s incompatible with your version of WordPress or contains bugs.

  • Via FTP or cPanel, navigate to/wp-content/themes/ and rename your active theme folder (e.g., from my-theme to my-theme-old).
  • This will force WordPress to revert to a default theme like Twenty Twenty-One.
  • If the error is resolved, the issue lies with your theme. You may need to reinstall or update the theme, or contact the theme developer.

4. Increase PHP Memory Limit

If your site exceeds the allocated memory for PHP, it can cause a critical error. Increasing the memory limit might resolve the issue.

  • Edit your wp-config.php file and add the following line:
    define( ‘WP_MEMORY_LIMIT’, ‘256M’ );

  • This increases the memory limit to 256MB. You can adjust the value based on your hosting plan’s capabilities.

5. Check for Corrupted WordPress Core Files

Sometimes, WordPress core files get corrupted due to incomplete updates or file changes.

  • Download a fresh copy of WordPress from
  • Using FTP or cPanel, upload the fresh WordPress files to your server, except for the wp-content folder and the wp-config.php file.
  • This will replace the core WordPress files without affecting your theme or plugins.

6. Check File Permissions

Incorrect file permissions can also cause critical errors.

  • Files should have a permission setting of 644, and directories should have 755.
  • You can change permissions using an FTP client or the File Manager in cPanel.

7. Restore from Backup

If all else fails, restoring your website from a backup might be the fastest way to resolve the issue.

  • Many hosting providers offer backup and restore options through their control panel.
  • If you have a backup plugin like UpdraftPlus or BackupBuddy, use it to restore a recent backup of your site.

8. Contact Your Hosting Provider

If you are unable to resolve the critical error using the above methods, contact your hosting provider. They may be able to identify server-side issues, such as PHP version compatibility or server misconfigurations, that are causing the error.


It’s better to know that…

Fixing a critical error in WordPress requires a systematic approach to identify the root cause, which could range from plugin or theme issues to server or database problems. By enabling debugging, disabling plugins, switching themes, and checking server settings, you can troubleshoot the problem and get your website back online quickly.

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